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Monday, June 25, 2007

Entertainment Marketing/Promotions (BREG)

What’s up with Marketing & Promotion?

By: B. Brown of Bar-Red Ent. Grp. (BREG)

On any given night in any given city around the world, you will find a club with people partying the night away into the early morning. Inside the club you will find advertisements for various things and you may never consciously register that you have been targeted by a marketing plan!

What is Marketing and what is Promotion? Marketing is creating the demand for a product and/or service. A promotion is raising the awareness of a product and/or service and furthering the growth and establishment of said product and/or service. So you can see why they are so closely connected to each other. Marketing may be looked at as the idea for creating a demand for a product and/or service and Promotions is the actual work involved in creating the demand. Once a Marketing Plan is put on paper, then the plan must be worked and that is Promotion!

There are a lot of theories out there, but I usually go with the thought that consumers need to see and/or hear about a product/service Seven (7) times before they are even interested in buying it. Now of course you will have impulse buyers and varying degrees of product/service recognition, but usually, the more times a product/service is seen or talked about, the better.

In the ever-changing world of the Entertainment Business, it is imperative for an Artist and a Company to market and promote itself consistently and effectively. When this is done properly along with producing quality music, the result is usually a popular song in the Clubs, Radio, Internet, and at Retail, which will make a lot of people happy!

If you had any questions on what Marketing/Promotions is, then I Pray that this article has assisted you in having a better understanding.

Let’s keep working hard and smart! One Love!

LA Music Showcase
Atlanta Music Showcase
Music Business by JaWar
Future Visions Entertainment

B. Brown
Bar-Red Entertainment Group (BREG)
“The Marketing/Promotions Company”
Consulting/Internet/Street/Club/Radio/Video/Retail Promotions