*Thoughts by B. Brown (BREG)
When it comes to using Social Media, there are a lot of different opinions and theories on why you should use social media and how to use social media. You know the big three (3) - Facebook, Twitter & Myspace. It is amazing how the world has changed its communication process. When is the last time you pulled out a piece of paper and wrote an actual letter to someone and mailed it via the United States Postal Service? Stomped you, didn't I?
Well, social media is here to stay, so we might-as-well learn how to use it correctly and efficiently, especially if we are business men and women. We can actually use social media to help grow our businesses and propel our careers .......
Gabi Gregg's story is wonderful ... Black Enterprise Mag. Dec. 2010; pg. 76
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Her use of social media led her to her dream job as MTV's first ever TJ. Her official MTV Twitter Handle is @MTVTJ.
James Andrews, a managing partner of the Atlanta-based social media company EVERYWHERE, blogs and tweets as the "Key Influencer" while helping companies develop social media strategies. Here are his tips for creating your own:
1. Understand the goal - gaining brand recognition and talking to your consumers.
2. Have a plan - you should have realistic expectations and make sure that your strategy is sustainable.
3. Listen first - social media gives you a an unmatched opportunity to hear what your customers, colleagues and competition are saying.
4. Watch your tone - "You don't want to transfer your marketing language over to your Facebook fan page."
5. Be consistent - building a faithful following won't happen if you don't dedicate the time to talk with your audience regularly.